Who needs feelings anyway?

Who needs feelings anyway?

Imagine if you can, that you lost your eyesight many years ago but eventually learned how to manage without it. Somehow. Now imagine that one day, almost out of the blue, your vision just suddenly switches back on again. What feelings would you have? What an...
Men, Stress and a Badge of Honour

Men, Stress and a Badge of Honour

This week is men’s health week (13-19 June), and this year has focussed on stress; an ever growing catalyst for so many men and women suffering with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, anger and many other areas of mental and physical health. As...
Exam Time

Exam Time

It’s exam time of year again when children all over the country are revising for and taking SATs, GCSEs or A-levels. That’s children of 7, 11, 13, 15 and 18 years of age working hard to try and pass tests that may define their future. It can be an extremely...
Empathy: Step into my world.

Empathy: Step into my world.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme this year has been about relationships and so I wanted to share my thoughts on the place of empathy especially in partnerships: Relationships can be tough, and I mean that about all types of relationship; our...
The late stage Dementia grief process

The late stage Dementia grief process

Some of my work as a bereavement counsellor is to sit with the ones left behind. We work through ‘the grief process’…a clichéd yet necessary term for the gruelling journey each mortal must take in the dark face of loss. But is loss and grief only about...