Exam Time

by | May 30, 2016

It’s exam time of year again when children all over the country are revising for and taking SATs, GCSEs or A-levels. That’s children of 7, 11, 13, 15 and 18 years of age working hard to try and pass tests that may define their future. It can be an extremely stressful time for these children and it can be an unsettling time for parents too: Is my child revising enough? What will happen if they fail? Should I be pushing them harder? Am I pushing too hard?

So what do we actually want for our children? And I mean in the longer term: what is the most important thing they can take into adulthood? Well I’m a counsellor – and therefore probably biased- so my interest is in improving people’s well-being. This is because I believe that well-being under-pins the “success” of so many other areas of our lives; fulfillment, relationships, job satisfaction and happiness in general. But what do you all want for your children?

Childline reports an increase in calls at this time of year each year, as children are worried about exams. Childline quoted major themes such as not wanting to disappoint parents, fear of failure, and pressures linked to academic achievement. I remember listening to author, broadcaster and clinician, Professor Tanya Byron saying that most of the teenagers she used to see came from difficult – sometimes abusive – backgrounds. Now, however, she is seeing an increase in children from more privileged backgrounds, children who have expensive clothes, good food, regular holidays, with more pressure to do well.  Apparently in 2013 research showed that as many as 1 in 4 students were receiving home tutoring to help them pass these exams, and I expect were I am based – in Tunbridge Wells – this is no different.

Radio 4’s All in the Mind this week was about exam pressures. The programme interviewed Lord Richard Layard, founder of Action for Happiness. He posed a question about how satisfied a person will be with their whole when life looking back? And his own answer was that “The worst predictor is their exam performance, the best predictor is their emotional health in childhood”.

So what can parents do?

My advice is to listen; really take an extra few minutes to make your child know that they have been heard and understood. If they storm away, don’t leave them to stew, make them a hot drink and let them know you are there. Help them to understand that their grades will not define them as a person, their best is good enough and they are good enough.

As this brilliant short poem “In My Day” by Hollie McNish illustrates, children have a lot of other pressures to work through today, let alone the increased exam pressures.

Useful Resources

Useful Resources

Young Minds – 0808 802 5544

Childline – 08001111

NSPCC – 0800 800 5000

Author - Ben Wrigley

Author - Ben Wrigley

Counsellor & Supervisor

Ben is a NCPS Humanistic Integrative counsellor and supervisor. He works one-to-one, online and in person. He helps people 18yr+  with a wide range of issues.

How can counselling help?

Exam pressures can be huge for anyone, but especially children. It can also be a very difficult time for supporting parents and guardians. Counselling can help with ways to remain calm. It can help relieve some of the pressures by exploring – among other things – the impact of not achieving top marks. And it can help by exploring goals and where the pressure to perform is coming from.

Thoughts from active listeners ...

Everything has a price. The subtle art of decision making.

Maybe you’re ready to make that big decision, or multiple decisions. Maybe you’re clinging awkwardly to the barbed wire of that fence. Maybe you understand why you’re choosing to stay where you are. What ever the case it could be time to stop facing your desire to make change alone.

‘Pull Yourself Together’ – Kinder words than you think?

Breathing techniques are the easy bit. If the source or cause of your distress or unhelpful behaviour feels bigger than your capacity to make change, then counselling can help.

The Love Trap

Unconditional love is something we all crave and we have all craved since we were babies and guess what, we do actually deserve it

Who needs feelings anyway?

Living life without feelings is surely not living life to the full, it’s like blurred vision, muffled sound or numb touching.

And … How are you?

This time of year can be really hard for so many of us and for so many reasons. Counselling can be a helpful space for you to be what you need to be.

The Anxious Child

Take a breath dear superhero. We live in a world where we have forgotten how to model calm.

Can you take advice from yourself?

In counselling there can be many exercises that help us to become aware of how we keep ourselves in places we don’t actually want to be. The process of speaking these things out loud to another person, to be shared and understood together, can dramatically change our perspective.

Are you the River or the Dam?

Counselling can help you find and uncover and understand your dams and help you to re-identify with yourself while you decide if you wish to remove them. Is it time to talk?

Defences – Are they as good as they seem?

Counselling is a place you can explore the defences you have spent many years developing and honing. They were your friend once, without a doubt. Are they still helping you now?

Men, Stress and a Badge of Honour

In counselling you will not be judged for expressing what you are really feeling, you will not be doubted. We are interested less in the facts of what you need to achieve, than how you are affected by the expectations. It is an opportunity to talk freely and explore any options you may have.

Decision-making - counselling

Everything has a price. The subtle art of decision making.

Maybe you’re ready to make that big decision, or multiple decisions. Maybe you’re clinging awkwardly to the barbed wire of that fence. Maybe you understand why you’re choosing to stay where you are. What ever the case it could be time to stop facing your desire to make change alone.

Pull-Yourself-Together - Counselling

‘Pull Yourself Together’ – Kinder words than you think?

Breathing techniques are the easy bit. If the source or cause of your distress or unhelpful behaviour feels bigger than your capacity to make change, then counselling can help.

The love trap - Ben Wrigley

The Love Trap

Unconditional love is something we all crave and we have all craved since we were babies and guess what, we do actually deserve it

Feelings Dashboard - Counselling

Who needs feelings anyway?

Living life without feelings is surely not living life to the full, it’s like blurred vision, muffled sound or numb touching.

how-are-you - counselling

And … How are you?

This time of year can be really hard for so many of us and for so many reasons. Counselling can be a helpful space for you to be what you need to be.

Anxious Child - Counselling

The Anxious Child

Take a breath dear superhero. We live in a world where we have forgotten how to model calm.

Advice from yourself - counselling

Can you take advice from yourself?

In counselling there can be many exercises that help us to become aware of how we keep ourselves in places we don’t actually want to be. The process of speaking these things out loud to another person, to be shared and understood together, can dramatically change our perspective.

river or dam- counselling

Are you the River or the Dam?

Counselling can help you find and uncover and understand your dams and help you to re-identify with yourself while you decide if you wish to remove them. Is it time to talk?

Defences - counselling

Defences – Are they as good as they seem?

Counselling is a place you can explore the defences you have spent many years developing and honing. They were your friend once, without a doubt. Are they still helping you now?

Men Stress - counselling

Men, Stress and a Badge of Honour

In counselling you will not be judged for expressing what you are really feeling, you will not be doubted. We are interested less in the facts of what you need to achieve, than how you are affected by the expectations. It is an opportunity to talk freely and explore any options you may have.

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