The Love Trap

The Love Trap

I’ve been bad : ( It’s mental health awareness week again and I realise I haven’t posted for ages : (( In fact while I’m kicking myself, I’ve also been eating too much sugar and I haven’t done enough exercise, the car needs washing and … : (((( I can feel my head...
Who needs feelings anyway?

Who needs feelings anyway?

Imagine if you can, that you lost your eyesight many years ago but eventually learned how to manage without it. Somehow. Now imagine that one day, almost out of the blue, your vision just suddenly switches back on again. What feelings would you have? What an...
And … How are you?

And … How are you?

This time of year there are traditionally two strong messages circulating from all corners of society. The first is a message of ‘Be charitable: remember those in need, remember those worse off than you’. All admirable and worthy sentiments. The second is that of ‘Be...
Can you take advice from yourself?

Can you take advice from yourself?

I‘d like to invite you to try an exercise. It’s a self-discovery exercise about the person you are in the here and now, which is done by exploring the past and future you? If you are happy to give it a try, please *don’t* read through first, but instead do each...
Are you the River or the Dam?

Are you the River or the Dam?

It seems that I’ve been writing a lot about personal obstacles or blocks lately. In fact I’ve experienced several just starting this! “Maybe people will think it’s boring”, “How can I get it just right?”. This week though I noticed a theme with people who find their...
Defences – Are they as good as they seem?

Defences – Are they as good as they seem?

There is question that comes up frequently in therapy from clients who have already done a great deal of work to explore themselves and understand the source(s) of their struggle: “All of this awareness of why I am the way I am, why I do the things I do, is all...