Exam Time

Exam Time

It’s exam time of year again when children all over the country are revising for and taking SATs, GCSEs or A-levels. That’s children of 7, 11, 13, 15 and 18 years of age working hard to try and pass tests that may define their future. It can be an extremely...
Empathy: Step into my world.

Empathy: Step into my world.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme this year has been about relationships and so I wanted to share my thoughts on the place of empathy especially in partnerships: Relationships can be tough, and I mean that about all types of relationship; our...
is ; the new symbol for hope?

is ; the new symbol for hope?

If you or someone you know is planning suicide right now please call The Samaritans first on 116 123. Call the Samaritans Today I heard about Project; (project semi-colon) for the first time. It seems that the semi-colon’s days of representing a...