The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is concerned with personal information that is collected, stored and processed. It is important that you read this document before you sign your agreement with your counsellor/supervisor.
Personal data that may be collected:
How your data may be stored:
Counsellors/Supervisors will store your phone number in their contacts using only your initials
Your name and email address will be stored with Gmail by nature of your contact. Electronic correspondence between you will be held in relevant apps e.g. Gmail, Messages, WhatsApp
Your name, address and email may be stored in a secure online accounting system e.g. QuickFile
Written session notes will be identified by your initials only. Our contract/agreement, contact sheet and assessment record and notes will be stored in a lockable filing cabinet
How your personal data may be processed and shared:
All counsellors/supervisors attend regular supervision with another therapist (supervisor), who is qualified in this process. The supervision process is to ensure ongoing ethical and professional practice. In order to protect your privacy, supervisors will not know you personally nor professionally. You will be referred to you by your initials or your first name only, and only when this is of relevance to professional practice.
Therapeutic Will
In the event of your counsellor’s/supervisor’s incapacity, your name and contact details will be shared with a Therapeutic Executor so that you can be contacted, and only if you are currently in therapy/supervision.
If your mental health is in jeopardy (as discussed in our contract), your contact information may be shared with an emergency healthcare service, but only with your prior knowledge.
If it becomes clear that you intend to cause harm to another person/organisation, the law may require that an authority is informed without seeking your permission. In such a situation, your personal information may be shared without your knowledge.
Erasing your personal data
When your therapy ends, electronic copies of your information and correspondence will be deleted within one month.
Hand-written information will be stored for up to 7 years past the end of your therapy. (For clients under the age of 18 years, data will be stored for 7 years from the date the client turns 18 years). Your information will remain archived in a locked filing cabinet. This is a requirement of therapeutic insurance companies, and will be shredded after the 7 years.
Your Rights:
- To be informed what personal data of yours is held.
- To see the information that is held about you, free of charge (for the initial request).
- To rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal information.
- To withdraw consent for using your personal information.
- To request your personal information be erased. (This may be declined whilst this information is needed for professional practice).